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Hibura School for Kabbalah and Jewish Spirituality revives ancient Kabbalistic tradition as a contemporary spiritual practice that has universal meaning and aspires towards the betterment of humankind, society and the world.


Hibura School for Kabbalah and Jewish Spirituality was founded by Rabbi Or Zohar, who is a Kabbalah scholar, musician, the Reform Rabbi of Misgav Regional Council in Israel, and Co-CEO of the non-profit organization Spirit of the Galilee.

Learning at Hibura is introspective and experiential, with a liberal, pluralistic, and critical approach.

It is accessible to everyone—men and women from every background, faith or way of life.

Studies at Hibura include Kabbalah-based meditation, musical chant and prayer, experiential learning and group discussions, readings from the Book of Zohar and other Kabbalistic and Jewish texts, and engages in dialogue with esoteric traditions from other cultures and religions.

Hibura offers semestrial study series, in-depth workshops and single lectures, in English and in Hebrew, online as well as in-person, at Havaya Center in the Galilee and various places in Israel and around the world.

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Kabbalah of the Zohar - English

with Rabbi Or Zohar

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-04 at 16.20.41 (2

Kabbalah of the Zohar -  Hebrew

with Rabbi Or Zohar

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-04 at 16.20.41 (2

Musical performances and sacred singing 

One-time lectures

Workshops and retreats

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